And thou shalt hang it upon four pillars of shittim wood overlaid with gold: their hooks shall be of gol upon the four sockets of silver. Bible, wood of the shittah tree, probably an acacia, from which the Ark of the Covenant and furniture of the Tabernacle were made. Shittah tree (Hebrew: שטה) or the plural shittim was used in the Tanakh to refer to trees belonging to the genus Vachellia and the genus Faidherbia. We have reserved a separate chapter for the interpretation of what is meant by the shittim wood because of certain problems connected with it that require rather extended consideration. Carob Wood from Israel (Ceratonia siliqua) Carob is a beautiful wood mentioned in the Bible in Luke 15:16.

Acacia wood was used for the poles of the ark, the ark itself, and many parts of the tabernacle. In fact, acacia wood is the only type of wood used in construction of aspects of the tabernacle. English dictionary definition of shittim wood.
Old Testament a kind of wood , probably acacia, from which the Ark of the Covenant and parts of the tabernacle were made n. Abel- shittim ( Numbers 33:49), a plain or valley in the land of Moab where the Israelites were encamped after their two victories over Sihon and Og, at the close of their desert wanderings, and from which Joshua sent forth two spies (q.v.) secretly to view the land and Jericho ( Joshua 2:1). Acacia (atzei shittim in Hebrew) was the only tree that grew in the desert in abundance and was more bush-like than tree-like. Acacia wood is dense, thorny,the grain of the wood is gnarly and changes direction.
Most species of acacia are used for valuable timber. Shittim (acacia) wood from the Sinai region b. It makes excellent and high quality furniture. Acacia seyal is said to be the shittah tree of the Bible, hence shittim - wood.
We all know this as the wood used in the Ark of the Covenant. It is also used as a spiritual icon. It represents the purity of the soul and the eternal soul. And they shall make an ark of shittim wood : two cubits and a half shall be the length thereof, and a cubit and a half the breadth thereof, and a cubit and a half the height thereof.
Abel- shittim , however, is cited as the last encampment site in the record of the journey from Egypt to the Jordan River (ibid.). If the two designations refer to. Called also Shittah, a tree, the wood of which is fragrant. This was probably “acacia” wood.
Christian art of shittim wood. Fantastic prices on framed prints. All images are also avaliable in digital download for projection or other media use. Over 140words were already uploaded.
While camped there, Israel began to play the harlot with the daughters of Moab, and the Baal-peor incident ensues (Numbers 25: Micah 6:5). I have made several pens for our troops from it. I meet on Redstone Arsenal one Sunday a month and we turn troop pens. There was some of this wood donated by the land trust, to make pens from.
If you get a chance to get some chittum burl, grab it, it is absolutely. Your chance to have a one-to-one lesson with best-selling language expert Paul Noble, try a FREE audio sample of his brand new Mandarin Chinese course. God commanded to build boards of tabernacle about shittim wood and them were made straight and covered with gold. Boards of tabernacle are exemplar about believers (congregation of God).
Definition from Wiktionary, the free dictionary. Discover the power and simplicity of SwordSearcher: A complete scripture study package, with millions of cross-references, and thousands of topical and encyclopedic entries all linked to scripture, fully searchable and indexed by both topic and verse references. Pronunciation of Shittem found audio voice and Meaning for Shittem.
It would have been about feet inches long, by feet inches wide. It had rings, one at each corner, designed to hold poles for the transport of the the Ark. It was said to be made of Shittem wood , what we now know as Acacia.
We are making some changes around here so please visit Shorashim of the Old City at our new domain during this transition. The Ark wasn’t very large. Updated with all the very latest new words and senses, this new 13th edition is an unparalleled resource for word lovers, word gamers, and word geeks everywhere.
Sickle flints were found at Tel el-Ḥesy. Crescent-shaped iron sickles were found in the same mound. Today, the most commonly used acacias are Hawaiian koa and Australian blackwood.
Zan, occur in several passages of Exodus, and indicate the kind of wood which was employed in making various parts of the tabernacle while the Israelites were wandering in the wilderness. I have a gentleman that is requesting me to build him a small box and he wants it build from acacia wood. Took a quick look on the internet, but am having a slight problem locating any. And he cast for it four rings.
Would anyone know of a source for acacia lumber?
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