Stucco is an extremely hard wall material. You will need the right cutting tools. You can use a high speed side wheel grinder. It can cut through the stucco and the lathe behind it.
The Dust Factor: An important thing to remember when cutting stucco is the fact that it will create a lot of dust. The sawzall appeared to be doing a wonderful job until near the end of the cut. In retrospect, the reciprocating action of the blade must have created fishers in the stucco because all of the sudden the stucco exploded along the cut , leaving a jagged edge that now requires additional repair.
A grinder does a nice job cutting stucco , but a shop vac sucking the dust it produces is a requirement. The Amazon Affiliate program link above is your personal link to purchase any of the tools we use or any other purchases r. After you have finished first cut on all of the scored lines, increase the cutting depth an additional ¼-inch. Continue doing this until you reach the metal lath underneath the stucco siding. When making the cuts, avoid cutting all the way to the corner edge of the school scored lines. Termite Prevention is the key.
I need to cut out some stucco for a 2xledger board. I can cut the long runs easily enough with my circular saw and diamond blade, and the two vertical cuts at each en but then, what would be a good tool to finish up the cuts at the corners. Determine whether the stucco is original stucco or EIFS.
Proceed with the following steps when cutting. It’s inexpensive, it’s quick to apply, and it looks great. But, there will come a time in the life of any home where you need to make some changes, and that may require you to know how to cut stucco. If what you have is real stucco and you want to use a saber saw blade to cut it, make sure the blade is a carbide one.
Alternatively, you could drill holes with a masonry drill bit and then use a metal- cutting blade on your saber saw to cut a line from one hole to the next hole. It will cut the stucco like it was a hot knife through butter. It also cuts the chicken wire or other lathe with ease. Depending on how much cutting you intend to do will determine how many wheels you will need. How to Cut Brick Out Of Stucco.
For the installer of exterior insulation and finish system, it is widely needed and must have because it can help save time as well as perfect output. EIFS stucco hot knife Styrofoam cutter can cut not only foam but also plaster. A Grade Cut can be simple or complex, depending on the circumstances. If EIFS is attached to the foundation, and the foundation extends above the grade, then the operation is as simple as cutting away the stucco , then at the new line terminate the product by reapplying the fiberglass mesh, covering basecoat, and then applying finish to match.

Consequently, electricians usually use surface-mount boxes to install. Some stucco applications carried out prior to the correct codes being in place could be candidates for a kerf cut , caulk and seal. Hold the ducting up to your stucco wall in the location where you want it, and draw a line around it.
A small grinder with a masonry wheel will do a nice job of cutting stucco. Once you have the hole cut , liberally apply caulking around the hole and to the underside of the vent and push it into the hole. This is where you will cut. A basic overview of the process would be to use a diamond hole saw to cut through the stucco , remove the stucco and then use a different hole saw to cut through the wood sheathing, if you have any.
Cut any metal mesh with snips. My company does stucco work on new and existing buildings in Northern California. A round hole is a bit more involved but I use my Roto-Zip with the right angle attachment and a masonry wheel to cut razor straight lines in stucco for doggie doors. Dear Daniel: Cutting through stucco without causing damage can certainly pose some challenges.
Behind the stucco is a layer of wire mesh that can be difficult to slice through. Cut into stucco when you want to install an exterior outlet into a stucco wall. Image: electric outlet image by Albert Lozano from Fotolia.
Install an exterior outlet box in stucco when you want the opening of the electrical box flush with the stucco wall. One downside to stucco is that it can become damaged over time, needing a repair. Cut it as big as the uncovered portion of the lath.
Use the hammer tacker to stick the piece. Attaching metal flashing to stucco Back to Flashing Back to Archive Back to Forum. Exterior foam trim is used for the insulation of exterior stucco wall systems and it also enhances their appearance and elegance. Designed for rapid cutting and fast plug removal of holes in stucco and wood and composite materials.
Take a couple of minutes to inspect the area where you will be cutting. If you notice any cracks or deterioration in the stucco , you should realize that the vibrations caused by cutting will probably cause further damage. Cut carefully to preserve the building paper, and hide the missing stucco with rotproof trim By Bill Robinson Login or Register to download the PDF version of this article. Have them neatly cut the stucco 4-inches above ground level and remove it from the foundation.
They should then seal the bottom of the cut to the foundation with adhesive basecoat, making it impossible for termites to re-enter. When cutting fiber-cement siding with circular saw, use a blade that has only four or six teeth.
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