How to Cut Cement Backer Board for Your Next Tile Job. Wear eye goggles and a dual-cartridge respirator when cutting backer board. I just remodeled one of our bathrooms, which included tiling the floor with 12”x 12” Turkish tumbled marble. Here, the tools and methods you need to cut it easily. This is my Tile Installation series where I go through all the steps from start to finish.
Video links for Tile Insta. Cutting through the cement will produce dust that. For long, straight sections, the recommended method for cutting HardieBacker board (or any cement backing board for that matter) is the score and snap method. While a specialized carbide-tipped scoring knife will make the job easier, a general utility knife will work as well.
Concrete backer board is an essential component for building a bathroom or shower. It is used in shower walls, bathtub sub-flooring, and in. While this is probably the definitive method I would also suggest taking a table saw into the customers living room and cutting the board there as most living rooms are the largest room in the home and would in turn afford you the most manuverability.

We cut it, world class, world wide. Family Owned For Over Years. I finally found the jigsaw blade I was trying to mention for fiber cement board , and cement board , when you need to do specific cuts.
Tim Carter, of Ask the Builder, demonstrates a simple way to cut cement backer board using an inexpensive carbide-tipped tool, much like cutting drywall. This is a great home repair project tip for your house. LOT of dust though, so do it outside or something. To cut holes in cement backer board to use under tile, equip a portable jigsaw or sabre saw with a metal cutting blade. To start the saw in cement backer board , drill a hole though the backer board large enough for the jigsaw blade or make a plunge cut with the blade in the backer board.

Whether it’s for a bathroom overhaul or a new look for your kitchen, you will need cement board to properly install the ceramic tiles that will be the cornerstone of your home renovation. The material provides a solid and water-resistant surface for attaching the tile or stone. Most importantly, cement backer board contributes to a longer lasting, more durable tile installation, with no chance of backing board rot.
Concrete can be heavy…at this size, however, it’s very manageable…and lighter than a marble or slate board. To make the concrete food-safe, just coat with a food-safe wax like pure carnauba or bees wax. Cement and Backerboard Scoring Knife with Carbide Tip Design is rated 4. Cement Board Construction 1Use larger panel sizes for larger projects such as commercial kitchens and gang showers. Smaller panels are designed to fit typical tub and shower enclosures. Use a circular saw with a cement board blade.
Support the entire board before and during cutting to avoid breakage. Cement board cutting tool for Durock and Wonderboard. The scoring knife can be used instead of a saw for a cut that goes across the whole board.
Before cutting Durock or any cement backer board , set up a work area outdoors. HardieBacker cement board is a tile underlayment made for wet areas like kitchens and bathrooms. It is resistant to moisture and mol giving superior performance along with a limited lifetime warranty. Shop backer board in the drywall section of Lowes. Find quality backer board online or in store.
Take the cutting tool and scrape along the line several times. Once the scoring is complete, lift the backer board and apply pressure on the back side behind the scoring. After snapping the cut line, use the cutting tool to cut along the cut several times.
This will finish cutting through the cement backer board. Fiber- cement board is a composite material made from cement , san and cellulose fibers. One of the biggest changes in the kitchen will be our new DIY concrete countertops. These screws have a coating to resist corrosion, a special wide head with cutting flutes and hi-low threads for a strong grip.

They make great gifts and can be customized in a whole host of ways. These DIY cutting board tutorials feature. It is easy to cut and install, it is impervious to water, and provides a strong, sturdy substrate for the tile. That way never works, takes forever and I go through a half a dozen blades making several cuts.
There are 2OEM, 1ODM, Self Patent. I made a scribe with two cement board screws and a sturdy piece of scrap wood about inches wide by inches in length to accomplish this task. We made a cutting board out of select hardwoods: walnut, cherry, and maple. Home Depot refuses to cut it because it ruins their saw blades.
Malco TSFTurboShear Fiber Cement Backer Board Shear See more like this. Because fiber cement board is heavy, and some pieces are large, it is a 2-person job. I suggest calling a contractor, unless you are a serious handyman. Special tools are needed for cutting , too. Either way, fiber cement goes up quickly and easily, adds insulation, and is practically indestructible.
CeMenT BoaRD InSTallaTIon Walls and Ceilings Durock Next Gen Cement Board is smooth on one side for adhesive applications, textured on the other for thin-set mortar applications. To make a cutting board , start by cutting your cherry, walnut, and maple boards to the same length. Then, use a pencil to draw strips of your desired width on each board before carefully cutting the strips with a saw.
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