Wood shingles might easily be the best option for giving your home a rugged aesthetic. If you are thinking about installing your own wood shingles , you may feel overwhelmed. Following these steps will keep your wood shingle installation quick and easy. Step 1-Choose the Wood Shingles The first step is for you to choose your wood shingles. Before you install wood shingle roof materials, you need to take a look at what the job actually entails.
There is more to the project than just climbing onto your roof and nailing down the shingles. A small garden shed is a good way to try your hand installing cedar shingles. You will use the same installation techniques, although on a smaller scale. An order item at any lumber yard or home improvement store. There is also a newer version made of treated southern yellow pine that has a longer expected lifespan.
While the cedar will last a long time, you may not be happy with the. Are you talking about shingles on the roof or used for siding? For roofing, wood shingles are a poor choice now due to fire considerations.
In some areas one cannot use them any longer even if they are treated with fire retardant. This video is unavailable. Turned Wood vase - Duration: 19:28. Pierre Lussier 700views.
With our step-by-step instructions, you can install siding shingles to gain a rich textured exterior. POST a QUESTION or READ FAQs about how wood shingle or wood shake siding should be selecte installe and maintained or repaired. Bob demonstrates a few of the pry bars used to remove the. Never allow joints between shingles to break into a valley: make sure all joints have a solid shingle beneath and on top of them.

Cedar shingles can give your home a classic rustic look while offering long-term protection for your roof. Not only are cedar shingles good-looking, they also provide extra insulation value (in comparison to asphalt shingles ) and you often can install them over your existing roofing. The installation of cedar shakes or wood shingles , as shown in Figure is more time consuming and difficult than that of regular wood siding because they are smaller, irregular in shape, and have to be applied one by one. Staggered cedar shingles , also known as cedar shakes, add a rustic look when used as siding on one of more exterior walls of a house. Cedar shakes install on the existing wood siding or a plywood.
Not only can the contractor give you a roofing estimate, but he or she will ensure that the shingles properly fit the roof. At a minimum, asphalt shingles can be attached with just four nails for each shingle , but if installing in an area prone to high winds, six nails should be used for each shingle. Asphalt shingles have a nailing line—a line of sealant material intended to bond with the next row of shingles. Your nails should be placed just below this line, not. Wood gutter Fascia Rafter header Two nails.
Jack Dwyer Arnie Nebelsick. Department of Agriculture. New cedar- shingle siding is going over the old as part of a lead-abatement program, but the contractor is using techniques that make the homeowner nervous. Is the contractor wrong to use this method? Installation , Care, and Maintenance of Wood.
Learn how to properly install cedar- shingle siding on an old house. For more information regarding the installation and maintenance of your cedar shake or shingle application, check out the following resources. Learn the difference between “stair-stepping” and “staggering” shingles when you have to know how to shingle a roof, and why staggering, though faster, is more controversial. Stair-stepping shingles means installing them in a stair pattern.
Many pros shingle in a vertical line up the roof. Older and historic homes are especially enhanced by the use of wood roofing. Since cedar is a soft wood , shingles can be easily cut with a utility knife. They are installed with the same tools and methods as a cedar roof. Modern wood shingles can come with a chemical treatment that resists burning and you can get either a Class A-, B-, or C-rated shingle today.
We used a Class B-rated shingle on this project. General Technical Report FPL-GTR-202. Shingles protect sloping rooftops from the effects of rain, snow and hail while providing an attractive crown for the house.
Keeping a solid roofing layer of shingles is an important way to avoid water damage and. Having someone install a wood shingle roof runs anywhere from $4-$a square foot, or about $800-$17for an average one-story ranch-style home (with a roof of 700-1square feet). Wood shakes are split by hand from wood blocks, are sometimes grooved and have a more rustic, unique look. After installing the underlayment, you may install the repair shingles. It may be necessary to cut the repair shingles to size if the damaged shingles were not full size.
Once the shingle has been cut to fit and laid in place, attach the shingles with the roofing nails. Drive nails fl ush with the wood shingle. Do not allow nails to protrude above the shingle or be driven into the shingle.
Exposure is the amount of visible shingle in each shingle course. Valley Flashing Material 1. An easy product to install with great aesthetic value for many roof designs, it is also well known in most off-shore markets. There is a perceived fire danger from a wood roof and insurance companies have really dampened sales by requiring fire. Use the story pole to mark the location of the first shingle course.
Plane the corner shingle flush with house wall.
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