Otherwise, both codes require that “ slab -on- grade floors with a floor surface less than in. These codes do not require any insulation for slabs that are more than in. The codes are silent about whether above- grade slabs need to be insulated. The ISO- SLAB system allows to build differently without foundations, a high efficiency insulated slab -on- grade , at lower costs and within a reduced timeline.
The use of the ISO- SLAB system with its superior insulation and optimal use of thermal mass, is ideal for projects with radiant floor. Slab -on- grade floors with a floor surface less than inches below grade should be insulated in accordance with information provided in the Insulation and Fenestration Requirements by Component Table, which is reproduced following this paragraph. Slab -On Grade Insulation Slab -on- grade floors are prefered by some builders and are common in certain geographic areas, like the southern states, where slabs help keep a home cool in hot weather. Slabs also have an advantage when it comes to reducing air leakage, although it’s still important to seal penetrations where pipes, wires and ducts. Hi, I have several questions about the Insulated slab on grade design.
I have seen it done several ways on the internet and really need some advice. Insulation at the vertical slab edge and under the slab perimeter provides this bond break. The diagram to the right shows and example of a slab on grade that is structurally and thermally isolated from the perimeter foundation wall. Cold concrete slabs can be a source of discomfort in a home.

An insulated slab reduces heat loss, making it easier to heat. This reduction in heat loss helps moderate. The Foundation for Below- Grade Moisture Resistance.
In cold climates, install slab edge insulation when constructing slab -on- grade foundations. Install insulation along the edge of the slab for a slab -on- grade foundation to meet or exceed the insulation R-value required by code. The slab -on- grade building method reduces your impact on the environment in two different ways: by greatly reducing the amount of COproduced in the manufacturing and transportation of materials, and by providing - dollar for dollar - a wall with much better insulation. This effectively moves the frost line from feet down to just inches, problem solved. Slab - on-grade insulation should extend downward from the top of the slab on either the outside or inside of the foundation wall.

When a slab is independent from a perimeter foundation wall, insulation may be installed either on the exterior of the foundation wall or between the foundation wall and the slab. ISO- SLAB is frost protected shallow foundation system kit slab on grade , insulated slab on grade system. Insulation is also another key factor when considering a slab on grade foundation.
In colder climates such as Ottawa, home foundations need to be installed to withstand the weather throughout the entire year. WarmFörm provides a highly insulated base to your building, and makes affordable slab on grade construction a desirable option for cold climates. For homeowners seeking an energy efficient home this is the easiest way to deliver a highly insulated foundation system. The foundation system for this high-performance home was to be slab - on-grade , and we were aiming to achieve R-to R-of slab insulation in our zone climate. Additionally, the homeowner wanted 10-inch-wide plank flooring throughout most of the house, so the subfloor had to be solid and sealed from any moisture from below.
Now that minimum energy-code requirements for slab insulation have overtaken the design requirements for a frost-protected shallow foundation, the line between a “conventional” slab - on-grade foundation and a frost-protected shallow foundation has been blurred. There are lots of good reasons to install perimeter insulation under slabs on grade. However, termites are a problem in the south and they use insulation as a path to tunnel to wood framing in walls. For this reason IBC prohibits under slab insulation in the southern states. Insulated Slab-on-Grade Foundations Insulated Slab-on-Grade Foundations A Design Guide for Rural, Northern and First Nations Housing Credits This publication has been developed by the Ontario First Nations Technical Services Corporation (OFNTSC), with financial assistance from Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation (CMHC).
A slab on grade is defined as any concrete slab poured over excavated soil. From a radiant heating perspective, it doesn’t matter if the slab is actually “at grade ” or is poured several feet below grade as part of a full foundation. Commercial building slab - on-grade insulation , comfort and energy performance. Many slab - on-grade buildings in northern climates do not have adequate insulation around the foundation, especially at the slab. The lack of insulation or improper placement allows cold to be conducted into the building at floor level.
The insulation around the foundation perimeter conserves and redirects heat loss through the slab toward the soil below the foundation. Geothermal heat from the underlying ground also helps to warm the soil and raise the frost depth around the building. As a result, superintendents increasingly will encounter below- grade and under- slab insulation on all building types. To help increase understanding of how two common rigid-foam insulations perform in these settings, this article evaluates moisture absorption and thermal performance. A Builder’s Guide to Residential Foundation Insulation 11000Btu NorthwestKansas (Goodland) 9000Btu CentralKansas.
Recommended Design and Construction Details. The major structural components of a slab - on-grade foundation are the floor slab itself and either grade beams or foundation walls with footings at the perimeter of the slab (see Figures 4-and 4-3). The next post, “ Slabs for Colder Climates, Part 2: Installing Frost-Protected Shallow Foundations, will discuss design criteria for and installation issues with FPSFs. We have rack loads of kips max. I am looking for good design examples taking in consideration the properties of the insulation i. Where the slab on grade is in contact with the groun the minimum thermal resistance (R-value) of the insulation around the perimeter of unheated or heated slab - on-grade floors designed in accordance with the R-value method of Section C402.
Optimized Slab - on-Grade Foundation Insulation Retro ts adison isconsin Existing slab - on-grade (SOG) foundations are difficult to insulate as a retro-fit measure because of a lack of interior access to the foundation. Because SOG foundations can be insulated only on the exterior, costly and destruc-tive excavation is usually required. Follow local building codes or check with structural engineer for correct compressive strength (PSI) for your application. A properly designed insulate slab-on-grade foundation has been proven to provide trouble-free, comfortable construction for a variety of residential and non-residential buildings. Simulation of a heated slab on grade with and without insulation.
Temperature scale indicated in degrees Celsius ( ° C). Horizontal line with white markers is a reference plane at approximately 2. But, in fact, as foundations go, it’s quick and cost-effective and provides an excellent base for the super- insulated homes we build. Compared with a full foundation, a frost-protected slab can reduce construction costs in my market by about $20for a house with 8square feet on the first floor.
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