Creosote is a tar-like substance used to protect the railroad ties against the elements. The EPA has not approved creosote as a wood treatment for residential use. The creosote on the treated railroad ties is considered a toxic substance and can contaminate groundwater and soil. Railroad ties can leach creosote into soil and water systems.
Eating food or drinking water with high levels of creosote may cause burning in the mouth and throat, stomach pains, severe skin irritation, convulsions, and kidney and liver problems in humans. Creosote Treated Used Railroad Tie is ideal for any nonstructural earth-retaining applications. Offers a rustic appearance. It protects wood against termites, fungi, mites and other pests that can degrade or threaten the integrity of wood products. A new vegetable garden made of railroad ties and how I made the gate and put a fence around it.
Balancing the choice of toxic railroad ties for a garden. Gases released from creosote are also harmful in a closed space, so railroad ties should not be used in a greenhouse or indoors. Many other materials can be used for constructing a raised be so there is no reason to give up the idea. Some creosote types were used historically as a treatment for components of seagoing and outdoor wood structures to prevent rot (e.g., bridgework and railroad ties , see image).
Samples may be commonly found inside chimney flues , where the coal or wood burns under variable conditions, producing soot and tarry smoke. In addition, children who live in treated-wood houses (log cabins) may be exposed through the air or by direct contact with the wood. Explore why and what alternatives are safer in this article.
Authentic used railroad cross ties salvaged from train track beds. Suitable for landscaping where appearance is not critical. These ties are rock solid mostly if not. That is the reason I especially doubted they were used railroad ties.
Not to say that individual businesses or persons will not construct with real creosote soaked railroad ties , used or otherwise. Shop railroad ties in the edging section of Lowes. Find quality railroad ties online or in store. Speak To An Expert Lawyer Right Now Who Will Fight For You And Your Family. Sizes vary, seven-nine feet in length.
Instead UFP relies on receiving MSDS’s from its suppliers. Used railroad ties are generally in poor shape, which makes it further unlikely to have been used in new residential construction. Attached is an MSDS from one manufacturer of. We leverage our experience in timber sourcing, millwork services, creosote treating and logistics to bring quality solutions to railroads and contractors across the nation. However, an example of inappropriate recycled materials for use in a garden is the use of creosote -impregnated railroad ties to build a raised bed.
The chemicals used to treat the wood can leach into the soil and are not safe to use near food crops. A: The reason the EPA has made illegal the use of treated railroad ties in vegetable gardens is the fact that they are treated with coal tar creosote , a pesticide registered both with the EPA and. Creosote also pollutes the local watershed and can be dangerous to health with prolonged or frequent contact.
Wood oozing creosote should be disposed of immediately as municipal solid waste. PROUD SUPPLIER OF TREATED WOOD PRODUCTS, INCLUDING CROSS TIES , SWITCH TIES AND BRIDGE TIMBERS FOR THE RAILROAD INDUSTRY OF AMERICA. PAH), migration from railroad ties and what effects this would have on the surrounding environment. This study is a report on PAH level testing done in a simulated wetland mesocosm.
Both newly treated and weathered creosote -treated railroad ties were placed in the simulated wetland. As a control, untreated ties were. Over of railroad ties are made of wood and usually treated with preservatives. The most common preservatives are arsenic or creosote , which looks like a black goo. Due to the wood preservatives, it is not advisable to burn railroad ties yourself.
For your next outdoor project consider using creosote -treated railroad ties. This genuine railroad tie work well for any number of landscaping and garden projects. However, these authentic used ties should not be expected to be defect-free on all four sides. I have someone who wants me to cut a bunch of treated timbers (6-inch by 16-inch creosote -covered fir) into 2-by-and 2-by-stuff. The timbers look like railroad ties on steroids.
The Agency is aware that creosote -treated railroad ties are being used in the residential setting for landscape purposes an in some instances, as a border around gardens. Such uses in residential settings are not intended uses of creosote and have not been considered in the preliminary risk assessment. As the name implies, these huge wood pieces are used in the base of railroad tracks. Old Railroad Ties Worry Neighbors. The southern end of French Island has become the final destination for millions of railroad ties treated with creosote , a substance that has been criticized as a threat to human health and the environment, the Lacrosse Tribune reports.
ATSDR - Creosote Health Effects. The incorporation of creosote into railroad ties or asbestos into insulation material does not amount to discarding these chemicals and therefore, these chemicals do not at that point become hazardous waste, nor does the resulting product. Creosote is comprised of more than 2chemicals that are derived from coal tar or wood tar, which is used to preserve wood.

Utility poles, railroad ties , structural foundations, and even fence posts are preserved with creosote. The absence of dual-treated wood in this rule does not necessarily preclude suppliers from determining that dual-treated ties are non-wastes.
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