Recent Examples on the Web. Halfway down the building, that decoration even turns a somersault as a band of ornate terra cotta goes from sitting flat on the facade above the narrow embrasures to becoming a protruding cornice over the wider ones. In military architecture, an embrasure is the opening in a crenellation or battlement between the two raised solid portions or merlons, sometimes called a crenel or crenelle. At this door, in the embrasure of which he was leaning, he saw, standing out strongly, a figure with a brown and lofty countenance, an aquiline nose, a stern but brilliant eye, gray and long hair, a black mustache, the true type of military beauty, whose gorget, more sparkling than a mirror, broke all the reflected lights which concentrated upon it, and sent them back as lightning. Gregory and his daughter were talking together in the embrasure of a window.
On every embrasure and gallery, on every terrace and platform, it was the same. Embrasure The crenels or spaces between the merlons. George Orwell, chapter in Homage to Catalonia: But there were less casualties than might have been expecte and the barricade rose steadily, a wall of concrete two feet thick, with embrasure s for two machine-guns and a small field gun. Definition of embrasure - an opening in a wall or parapet which is bevelled or splayed out on the inside, typically one around a window or door.
Word Origin early 18th cent. French, from obsolete embraser (earlier form of ébraser) ‘widen a door or window opening’, of unknown ultimate origin. I have fond memories of this doorway. A Gap between adjacent teeth, as the teeth curve away from the contact area. An opening with outward flaring sides.
A V-shaped space formed by the curved proximal surfaces of adjacent teeth. The original keep was there with its huge buttressed Saxon towers whose mighty fifteen foot walls were pierced with stairways and vaulted chambers, lighted by embrasures which, mere slits in the outer periphery of the walls, spread to larger dimensions within, some even attaining the area of small triangular chambers. A pantomime is a funny musical play for children. Pantomimes are usually based on fairy stories and are performed at Christmas.
Metal horizontal embrasure. Placed over a window it is used to reduce the size and grants the player more cover than the window. SpanishDict is devoted to improving our site based on user feedback and introducing new and innovative features that will continue to help people learn and love the Spanish language.
We offer samples in 9” x 9” squares for carpet and generous sizes for hard surfaces. To get a real feel for the product, try ordering samples and lining them up together. Well, I cannot stick heaters and coolers in them, they open up to the outside. Browse our dictionary apps today and ensure you are never again lost for words. In an ideal smile, teeth are aligned in a smooth row with each tooth touching the tooth next to it and healthy gum tissue in between.
The place where the teeth touch each other is called the “contact” and the area below the contact is called the “ embrasure ”. EMBRASURE Dictionary entry overview: What does embrasure mean? Fixed Prosthodontics, Implantology Increasing Case Acceptance and Streamlining the Restorative Process for the Single Tooth Implant – Live May 7th $ 89. This is a useful piece of cover to help barricade windows and make a building safer against attacks from players. Need synonyms for embrasure ? TV - Seconds to start watching Loading. E) Wood filaments is the correct answer.
Floss is made from silk, waxed and unwaxed nylon, and expanded PTFE. In dentistry, embrasures are V-shaped valleys between adjacent teeth. They provide a spill way for food to escape during chewing which essentially aids in the self-cleansing process. It requires Defense Logistics. The distance between the alveolar crest to contact point (red) is critical in determining the extent of an open embrasure.
How to Develop Embouchure on Trumpet. Trumpet embouchure involves the placement of your jaw and lips in relation to the trumpet mouthpiece. Learn to push your jaw forwar keep your teeth separate and your tongue low in your mouth. Space between cops in a battlement.
Splayed enlargement of an aperture creating a larger opening on the inside of a wall than outside, thus affording an extended range of vision from within the wall while keeping the aperture smaller. From Middle French embrasure. Any of the indentations between the merlons of a battlement.
The slanting indentation in a wall for a door or window, such that the space is larger on the inside than the outside. There are interproximal embrasures surrounding. Functionally incisal embrasures allow the lower teeth to clear in excursive movements without being trapped.

Let’s look specifically at the distal incisal embrasure of the maxillary lateral incisor. FiLMiC Pro 2nd Annual Short Film Contest. In architecture, the enlargement of the aperture of a door or window, on the inside of the wall, for giving greater play for the opening of the door or casement, or for admitting more light.
The Journal of Contemporary Dental Practice, Volume No.
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