An uneven plaster ceiling is lowered slightly and covered with beadboard. This treatment adds the perfect detail to a cottage kitchen, after finishing the look with crown molding. Paint the beadboard first.

Leave the edges, 2-inches depending on your brush or roller size, painting top to bottom, then hang the painted panels. White Pine Paper decorative wall panels offers a White Pine. So here’s the scoop on how to install beadboard on walls and ceilings (or even weird angled closet walls). Black and white is a bold and trendy choice in bathrooms right now, and beadboard can work well in the ultimate contrasting shades. This cottage bathroom design by Bella Mancini uses beadboard as the bottom white half, installed against the top black part.
The movement of the beadboard is a life-saver here. Shoot, you can even apply it to stock cabinetry, giving the everyday kitchen a customized look. Beaded plank or beadboard paneling is a traditional style that has returned with easy-to-install kits and components. The following instructions illustrate installation in a dining room using special baseboard and chair rail mouldings. This panel is designed to provide the look of real bead board.
Heights From to 1Tall. We think the are just outstanding! In our project, we installed the beadboard as a countertop backsplash and needed to remove the old laminate from the wall.