If you choose out of stock colors, we will substitute our closest match. No matter what you’re looking for or where you are in the worl our global marketplace of sellers can help you find unique and affordable options. Etsy is the home to thousands of handmade, vintage, and one-of-a-kind products and gifts related to your search. You searched for: wooden roses ! Our wooden roses are authentic hand-crafted using quality wood , with particular attention to detail, that creates a truly unique real looking rose that will last a life time. The product looks very similar to the picture and are very nice looking.
They come in multiple colors of rose buds. Our everlasting wooden roses are authentic hand-crafte using quality wood , with particular attention to detail, that creates a truly unique real looking rose that will last a life time. Including red rose heart shape and decorative black rose at wholesale prices from wooden roses manufacturers.
Find the best selection of cheap wooden roses in bulk here at Dhgate. This is a LOT of Small Wooden Rose Bud Stems. Wide Selection Of Wooden Roses. Give The Rose That Lasts Forever! Wooden rose is made up of petals, leaves and haulm of leaves, of which petals are made of birch crumb, leaves are made of fibre and haulm of leaves are made of iron thread around with a special paper.