Wednesday, December 21, 2016



Word Origin early 17th century: from Latin vermiculatus, past participle of vermiculari ‘be full of worms’ (see vermicular). History and Etymology for vermiculate. Vermiculite is a hydrous phyllosilicate mineral. It undergoes significant expansion when heated. Exfoliation occurs when the mineral is heated sufficiently, and the effect is routinely produced in commercial furnaces.


English dictionary definition of vermiculate. To adorn or decorate with wavy or winding lines. Bearing wavy, wormlike lines. There was also a deposit of asbestos at that mine, so the vermiculite from Libby was contaminated with asbestos.

It helps retain air, plant food and moisture, releasing them as the plant requires them. Perlite may also be found in potting soils, but vermiculite is far superior for water retention. He regarded the thing as vermiculate , and ready to corrupt the obedience. Libby, Montana Sow seeds indoors in a cell tray, placing two or three seeds in each and covering with vermiculite. Uline stocks a huge selection of wholesale vermiculite for shipping.

Over 30products in stock. Locations across USA, Canada and Mexico for fast delivery of bulk vermiculite. The color of vermiculite is a golden brown to a dark brown and is a sometimes difficult to tell from the potting soil it’s mixed with. When water is added to vermiculite , the flakes expand into a worm-like shape and act like an absorbing sponge. Flakes of raw vermiculite concentrate are micaceous in appearance and contain interlayer water in their structure.

When the flakes are heated rapidly at a temperature above 870° C, the water flashes into steam, and the flakes expand into accordionlike particles. It has a wide range of uses in construction, horticulture and gardening products, industrial applications and motor vehicles. Click here for more information. Perfect for rooting cuttings. The shallow-water assemblage was composed of golden cownose ray (Rhinoptera steindachneri), whitesnout guitarfish (Rhinobatos leucorhynchus), giant electric ray, bullseye electric ray, vermiculate electric ray, longtail stingray, equatorial skate (Raja equatorialis), blotched stingray, thorny stingray, and Panamic stingray.

Expanded vermiculite is used in construction and consumer materials. The vermiculite from Libby is part of the longest man-made environmental disaster in American history. The insulation, which was known by the brand name Zonolite, is most often found in residential attics. Not unlike perlite, vermiculite adds a plethora of nutrients to the plant, including calcium, magnesium, and potassium.

To decorate with lines resembling the tracks of worms. VERMICULATE (verb) The verb VERMICULATE has sense: 1. The largest vermiculite mining operation in the world is located in the Phalabowra (also sometimes spelled Palabora) district of the Republic of South Africa. Often occurring as an alteration product of biotite mica or chlorite in the near-surface zone of weathering, vermiculite is typically found associated with ultramafic rock types such as peridotite and pyroxenite that have been previously altered by intrusions of granite.

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Premium cushioning for bottled liquids. Meets ICAA and IATA hazardous material requirements. While both perlite and vermiculite aid in water retention, perlite is the more porous and tends to allow water to drain much more readily than vermiculite.

As such, it is a more suitable addition to soils utilized with plants that do not require very moist media, such as cactus soils , or for plants which generally thrive in well-draining soil. Particulates Not Otherwise. This article series explains how to recognize vermiculite building insulation that may contain asbestos fibers. Competitive china xinjiang vermiculite price We have our advantage to supply silver white crude vermiculite ore from Xinjiang vermiculite mine,which is the famous world second large vermiculite querry.

Experience:Our company has the producing experience for over ten years. Price: We can provide the competitive price with high quality. Interstratified vermiculite -mica in the gneiss-metapelite-serpentinite rocks at Hafafit area, Southern Eastern Desert, Egypt: From metasomatism to weathering. Journal of African Earth Sciences, Volume 5 Issue p. Use to roll your colonized cakes in after dunking.

This helps them stay hydrated and grow bigger. For use in horticultural applications, vermiculite is heated to expand the particles. While in operation, the mine in Libby produced most of the world’s supply of vermiculite.

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